Friday, December 24, 2010

Report 23/12/10

Hey everyone! Today, I went to a local tournament with my gladiator beasts, and got 6th place. Here is how it went:

Round 1: VS Winson (Anti-Meta Gadgets) XX

Game 1: Lost to too many 1 for 1 destruction cards and a constant swarm of gadgets.

Game 2: Did a mistake and forgot to bottomless his Doomcaliber Knight. That mistake caused me the game as I failed to draw enough monsters.


He went on to win the tournament.

Round 2: Random (Mixed and match beatdown) OO

Game 1 and 2: Controlled him with gladiator beasts and traps. Heraklinos and Gyzarus also made appearances.


Round 3: Banana (Inferinty) OO

Game 1: Trap Dustshoot on the 1st turn enabled me to remove his snowman eater and thus leaving him with no protection, while I had traps to keep his monsters at bay.

Game 2: It was a back and forth battle, but I managed to gain control in the end, and clinched the win.


THe tournament organizer didn't want to play out the top 8, as he wanted to end it early, so we were given prizes according to our ranking going into top 8.

Placing: 6th Place
Prize: 1 Starstrike Blast booster (Pulled Crap)

That sums up my day at the locals

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