Friday, November 20, 2009

Deck Review #1 (Part 1)

Hi people!! Here is my first ever deck review. This review is going to be about one of the decks which I have been playing for a long time, GLADIATOR BEASTS!!!

There are basically 3 styles of playing gladiator beasts, DIFFERENT DIMENSION GLADIATORS, RESCUE GLADIATORS and STANDARD GLADIATORS. Dimension gladiators involve the use of Dimension Fissure to remove all monsters from your opponents graveyards. Rescue Gladiators utilize Rescue Cat to bring out either 2 GLADIATOR BEAST SAMNITE to deal some serious damage or to set up big synchros, such as the synchro summoning of NATURAL BEAST and NATURAL PALKION, a few of the most powerful negators in the game, as well as GOYOU GUARDIAN, which is able to take down a lot of the big monsters that most people play. Finally, there is the Standard Gladiators, which uses cards such as Shrink, Book of Moon, and Enemy Controller to maintain control over his/her opponent.

The usual monster set-up for this type of play style is as follows:
2x Gladiator Beast Laquari
2x Gladiator Beast Equest
1x Gladiator Beast Darius
1x Gladiator Beast Retiari
1x Gladiator Beast Hoplomus
1x Gladiator Beast Murmillo
2x Thunder King Raiou
1x Cyber Dragon

They usually use about 13+ monsters as the low monster count enable them to use more spells and traps to protect their monsters.

The spell lineup would include:
3x Dimension Fissure
2x Shrink
2x Book of Moon
2x Gladiator Proving Ground
1x My Body as a Shield

Shrinks and book of moons are in to protect the monsters, as well as to disrupt the momentum of the opponent.

Finally most people would use around 13-16 or even more traps. The lineup is as follows:
3x Gladiator Beast War Chariot
1x Solemn Judgment
2x Dark Bribe
1x Mirror Force
1x Torrential Tribute
1x Dimensional Imprisonment
2x Bottomless Traphole

These are the base of most of the Dimension Gladiator Beasts decks most people are playing. However there might be some variatons according to personal prefernece.

For the next 2 decktypes, plz stay tuned for the next parts... Cause I'm too tired from today...